Elsie Driggs
1898 - 1992
Elsie Driggs
1898 - 1992
Elsie Driggs, of Hartford, Connecticut, is best known as a precisionist painter who, in the 1920s, responded to the clean, abstract beauty of the machine age in geometrically simplified compositions. Driggs studied at the Art Students League (1919-1925), and with Maurice Sterne in Rome.
Her romantic feelings about industrial forms were part of the general optimism during the booming prosperity of the twenties. Her painting, "Pittsburgh" (1928), was inspired by a trip to the Jones and Laughlin steel mills, of which she said: "The particles of dust in the air seemed to catch and reflect the light to make a backdrop of luminous pale gray behind the shapes of simple smoke stack and cone. To me it was Greek." And, in fact, the critics called her series of approximately seven paintings in this mode "a new classicism".
Driggs painted the "Queensborough Bridge" (1927) and several other works in a precisionist mode, but starting in the thirties, she turned away from this style.
She was the widow of artist Lee Gatch.
Source: Askart.com